As promised...

Revised artist's concept.As I noted in the previous entry, city council spent much of last night behind closed doors refining the Water Street development deal.

It turns out it was all a matter of communication and clarification, with only some minor tweaks necessary to keep everybody happy.

What those tweaks are, and how happy everybody really is, are some of the things I hope to find out in short order.

But if it was all really a communication issue, then why not improve communication all around by making the rest of this process public?

Until I get those details, I leave you with some corny train humour.

Councillors interrupted Tuesday's in-camera gabfest to take part in the official induction of Brockville into the Canadian Railway Hall of Fame, held at the south end of the railway tunnel. And there was no shortage of railway puns for the occasion.

Brian Porter introduced Councillor David LeSueur, the railway tunnel advisory committee chairman, as "a man with true tunnel vision, a man who's on the right track."

LeSueur responded by offering to tell the crowd "how this project almost got derailed."

It was enough to lose to make one lose one's train of thought.

It now remains to be seen whether the railway tunnel project will be railroaded through council, or whether council will be asleep at the switch.